


Texas HIMSS Advocacy: Driving Healthcare Policy through Engagement and Action

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is at the forefront of advocating for policies that advance the healthcare industry, aiming to enhance patient care and promote the use of information and technology for better health outcomes. One of the key pillars of HIMSS' advocacy efforts involves consistent engagement with policymakers through quarterly events and annual trips to Austin and Washington D.C., providing a vital platform to voice concerns, propose solutions, and influence healthcare policy decisions.



Quarterly Advocacy Events

HIMSS organizes quarterly advocacy events aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration between stakeholders within the healthcare ecosystem. These events provide an opportunity for healthcare professionals, industry experts, policymakers, and the public to come together and discuss critical issues facing the healthcare industry. Through panel discussions, keynote speeches, and interactive sessions, participants engage in meaningful conversations to understand the challenges and opportunities that exist within the healthcare landscape.


During these events, HIMSS advocates for policies that emphasize the importance of technology and data-driven solutions in healthcare. They discuss topics such as interoperability, cybersecurity, telehealth, data privacy, and other pressing issues that significantly impact the delivery of healthcare services.



Yearly Trips to Austin and Washington D.C.

HIMSS orchestrates annual trips to both Austin, Texas and Washington D.C., allowing its members to directly engage with representatives and senators at the state and federal levels. These trips are instrumental in building relationships with policymakers and conveying the healthcare industry's perspectives on pertinent policy matters.



Austin Advocacy Trip

The annual trip to Austin, Texas, focuses on engaging with state legislators and policymakers to advocate for healthcare policies that directly impact the region. Texas, being one of the largest states in the U.S., holds immense importance in shaping healthcare policy at the state level. HIMSS representatives work diligently to emphasize the role of technology and innovation in improving healthcare access, quality, and affordability for Texans.



Washington D.C. Advocacy Trip

The yearly trip to Washington D.C. is a pinnacle event for HIMSS advocates, where they have the opportunity to meet with members of Congress and key decision-makers at the national level. Advocates present evidence-based arguments and discuss policy recommendations that align with HIMSS' vision for the future of healthcare. By engaging with lawmakers, HIMSS aims to drive legislative changes that will facilitate the integration of health information technology and promote a seamless healthcare system nationwide.



Impact of HIMSS Advocacy

The impact of HIMSS advocacy efforts is far-reaching. By actively engaging with policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public, HIMSS shapes policies that support the adoption and effective use of health information and technology. Their efforts contribute to the establishment of a healthcare landscape that leverages innovation to enhance patient care, optimize operational efficiency, and achieve better health outcomes for all.


In conclusion, HIMSS Advocacy plays a vital role in influencing healthcare policy through consistent engagement, information dissemination, and constructive dialogues. Quarterly events and yearly trips to Austin and Washington D.C. serve as powerful platforms to advocate for policies that prioritize the integration of technology in healthcare, ultimately paving the way for a more efficient and patient-centric healthcare system.


HIMSS South Texas has been awarded the "Advocate" level chapter award under the HIMSS Advocacy Recognition Program.


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HIMSS Advocate Level Chapter Advocacy Award

Oct 2023 News Letter